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There are three kinds of equivocation:

  1. equivocation due to divergence – separateness –
    of meaning and form,

6. 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 15. 25, 16. 26
  1. equivocation through deducing the meaning from the form, and

5. 7, 8, 6. 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 10. 17, 18, 15. 25, 16. 26, 17. 29, 30
  1. equivocation through deducing the form from the meaning.

5. 9, 6. 10, 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 15, 10. 16, 15. 25, 16. 26, 27, 17. 28